Z and K Antiques

Early New England Paint Decorated Keeping Box

Circa Mid 19th Century: Talk about sweet! This petite 2 7/8"H x 9 1/2"W x 6 1/2"D basswood and poplar pintle-hinged New England keeping box with square nail construction retains its spectacular original vibrant black and red sponge-decorated surface with gilt-bronze stenciled motifs, including seven 11-pointed stars which most likely represent the sun. No wonder it glows. This handsome early American keeping box is in excellent condition with an appropriately crazed surface, which is just the way we like to find them. Ex Jan and Watt White collection through Norwood's Spirit of America Antiques.

early american antique basswoood and poplar polychromatic paint decorated new england keeping box

early american antique basswoood and poplar polychromatic paint decorated new england keeping box

early american antique basswoood and poplar polychromatic paint decorated new england keeping box

early american antique basswoood and poplar polychromatic paint decorated new england keeping box

early american antique basswoood and poplar polychromatic paint decorated new england keeping box

Early New England Paint Decorated Keeping Box


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Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: zandk@zandkantiques.com

Z and K Antiques For Sale