Z and K Antiques

Fine Cut Out Chinese Checkers Gameboard

Circa Late 19th Century: This 23.75"H x 22.5"W four color Chinese checkers gameboard in original red, white, blue, and orange paint decoration was cut out in the form of a six sided star from a single board of tulip poplar. The anonymous maker chose to make an orange border with white trim to give the board a faux frame and added a central diamond for good measure. This gameboard has the dramatic visual appeal and the proper crazed surface that advanced collectors expect in a high quality handmade 19th century folk art board.

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

19th century antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

Fine Cut Out Chinese Checkers Gameboard

For Sale: $1,750

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Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: zandk@zandkantiques.com

Z and K Antiques For Sale