Z and K Antiques

Large Castle Garden, Battery, New York 18.5" Platter

Circa 1820s: Produced by iconic English pottery firm for the American market, this big and beefy 18.5" dark blue historical Staffordshire platter depicts Castle Garden, Battery, New York, a scene most commonly found on the tiny cup plate. This is an extremely picturesque and romanticized view of the battery and its promenade because, as Jeffrey B. Snyder explains on page 19 of his Historical Staffordshire: American Patriots & Views: "historical Staffordshire scenes and landscapes were pristine when compared to the dirtiness and difficulties of everyday life. Several of the city views do show cattle, sheep and horses, but the cleanliness even of these scenes would provide at least temporary relief from the real world" (Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 1995). Snyder goes on to note that "Enoch Wood & Sons created an eye pleasing view of Castle Garden, Battery, New York ... where "there are no pigs, debris, or even crowds in sight." Perhaps this is one reason these views were so popular on American shores and continue to delight collectors 200 years later. This fantastic platter is in superb condition with no chips, cracks, or repairs and only a few short expected knife marks on the front and typical minor shelf wear on the reverse.

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

dark blue historical staffordshire american view platter castle garden battery new york

Large Castle Garden, Battery New York 18.5" Platter

For Sale: $2,450

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Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: zandk@zandkantiques.com

Z and K Antiques For Sale