Z and K Antiques

Chinese Checkers Board with Bittersweet Ground

Circa 1900: This 20 1/8"H x 20 1/2"W eight color Chinese Checkers gameboard with unusual bittersweet ground is a visual delight. The simple orange frame is affixed to the thick single board with the tiny round brads that were used right around the turn of the 20th century, and the good, honest board wear and wonderfully crazed painted surface serve to help confirm the game's age. Obviously, there was some printed material stored with the board for a fairly lengthy period of time as there are some backwards letters close to the bottom triangle as photographed, but they do not impede on the game's visual integrity. Because the gameboard has a great variety of colors (bittersweet, orange, black, white, green, yellow, red, and blue), it can work in just about any color room. We have had this Chinese Checkers board in our personal collection for years after purchasing it at the New Hampshire Antiques Dealers Association Show from gameboard expert Tim Chambers of Missouri Plain Folk, and we are just now getting around to offering it on the open market.

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

 antique american folk art paint decorated chinese checkers gameboard

Chinese Checkers Board with Bittersweet Ground


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Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Lexington, Virginia: zandk@zandkantiques.com

Z and K Antiques For Sale