Z and K Antiques

Vintage Fiesta Original Cobalt Blue #1 Nesting Bowl Lid

Circa 1936-1937: One of only a two fiestaware shapes, designed in the mid 1930s and manufactured for such a short period of time, they never even made it onto a price list, the bowl lids are a highly desirable piece for the advanced collectors. Made only in the first four bowl sizes and only in the four colors of red, yellow, green and cobalt, finding any is difficult. This example for the number 3 sized bowl in the original light green is in excellent condition without damage or signs of use. Please note the light green glaze showing areas of irregular application, but no damage or scratches to mar the lovely surface. Measures to fit a number 3 vintage fiestaware nesting bowl.

vintage fiestaware original green number 3 nesting bowl lid for sale

fiestaware green mixing bowl lid

underside vintage fiesta green mixing bowl lid

vintage fiesta green mixing bowl lid for sale

vintage fiesta green mixing bowl lid

vintage fiesta mixing bowl lid in original green for number 3 sized bowl

#1 Original Cobalt Blue Vintage Fiesta Mixing Bowl Lid

Happy Heidi Vintage Fiestaware Pottery for Sale all old colors complete collection

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Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Champaign/Urbana, Illinois: zandk@zandkantiques.com

Z and K Antiques For Sale