Z and K Antiques

Vintage Fiesta #3 Bowl in Original Cobalt Blue

Circa 1939-1946: The number three Fiesta nesting bowls are hard enough to find, let alone the early ones with inside bottom rings that were produced for a mere two years, but include the cobalt blue glaze, which wasn't introduced until a 1937, a year after the line had been in production. So finding this example, with a wonderful even glaze in the brilliant robins egg blue, along with the inside rings in perfect condition is exceptional. Please note a glaze miss on the base of the bowl. Measures 7 11/16"D x 5 1/16"H.

Number 3 cobalt blue vintage fiesta nesting bowl

inside view Number 3  cobalt blue vintage fiesta mixing bowl

bottom mark Number 3 cobalt blue vintage fiesta mixing bowl

side view Number 3 original cobalt blue vintage fiesta nesting bowl

Number 3  cobalt blue vintage fiesta mixing bowl

Number 3  cobalt blue vintage fiesta mixing bowl

Vintage Fiesta #3 Nesting Bowl in the Original Cobalt Blue Glaze

Happy Heidi Vintage Fiestaware Pottery for Sale all old colors complete collection

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Bob Zordani and Heidi Kellner: (217) 714-5016, Champaign/Urbana, Illinois: zandk@zandkantiques.com

Z and K Antiques For Sale