Antiques, Uniques, Unusual Americana, Folk Art, Pennsylvania Dutch Paint Decorated, Original Surface, Painted Early American Country Antiques

The Folk Art Carvings of Archie Zimmerman 1861-1961

A newly discovered American folk artist

American Folk Art Antique Pennsylvania Kentucky Indiana carving by Archie Zimmerman next

The rider on horseback is an iconic American image, and this six color polychromatic sculpture harkens back to Zimmerman’s Civil War era Pennsylvania childhood. Many of Zimmerman’s carvings depict a nostalgic view of daily rural life in nineteenth century America, and it is no wonder that one is immediately delighted by Zimmerman’s charming sense of character and his use of a distinctly Pennsylvania Dutch color palette.

Another major defining feature in this collection is the recurrence of decoratively carved bases. The horse and rider’s chamfered base and the center horse’s clover base serve as prime examples of this trait.